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gigahorse-github 0.1.0

gigahorse-github 0.1.0 is released. This is a Gigahorse plugin for Github API v3.

Here’s a quick example of how to get repository info:

scala> import gigahorse._, gigahorse.github.Github, scala.concurrent._, duration._

scala> val client = Github.localConfigClient
client: gigahorse.github.LocalConfigClient = LocalConfigClient(OAuthClient(****, List(StringMediaType(application/json), GithubMediaType(Some(v3),None,Some(json)))))

scala> Gigahorse.withHttp { http =>
         val f ="eed3si9n", "gigahorse-github")), Github.asRepo)
         Await.result(f, 2.minutes)
res0: gigahorse.github.response.Repo = Repo(, gigahorse-github, 64614221, User(, eed3si9n, 184683, Some(, Some(, Some(), Some(User), Some(true), None, None), eed3si9n/gigahorse-github, Some(Gigahorse plugin for Github API v3),...

If you’re interested in gigahorse-github itself, README contains the full documentation.

extending Gigahorse

I also wrote Extending Gigahorse page describing the overview of how to write a Gigahorse plugin, which is more or less the same as how one would write a Dispach plugin. As I wrote there, the JSON data binding is auto generated from a schema.

For me, gigahorse-github was as much a proof of concept for sbt-datatype as it was for Gigahorse. It did end up exposing minor bugs on all components along the stack, so it was a fruitful exercise.